Friday, February 13, 2009

Health and nutrition security in seven of your healthy baby

Health and nutrition security in seven of your healthy baby 

Healthy baby 

1, trace elements 

Fetal brain cells need to supply a variety of nutrients, some of which are trace elements in fetal brain cells during development are necessary. 

Recommendations: to eat red meat such as cattle, pigs, rabbit, etc., animal blood, which are rich in iron hemoglobin and myoglobin in the iron, the body is easy to attract and use. Should also be many milk. 

2, fat 

Fatty acids are formed in the fetal brain cells, myelin, an important element, so the proper consumption of food containing fat is also very necessary. 

Recommendation: Do not worry about eating lean meat is not, or eat eggs, milk, not Meat. 

3, carbohydrate 

Carbohydrate is the staple food to eat every day, fetal metabolism are essential nutrients for fetal breathing. Therefore, pregnant women need to maintain normal blood sugar levels, so as not to affect fetal metabolism precious impede normal growth. 

Recommendations: cereals, tubers and fruits and vegetables contain carbohydrate category. Such as rice, millet, corn, etc. There are potato. 

4, vitamin 

Vitamins are divided into water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins, vitamins for different fetal development plays a different role. For example, vitamin A on fetal growth and both the normal development of olfactory function; vitamin C, while on the fetal bone and teeth formation, hematopoietic system, such as sound and the body are to promote the role of resistance. 

Suggestions: vitamin found in vegetables and fruits substantial, the substantial consumption of fruits and vegetables are the most practical approach. 

5, protein 

Protein is an important component of baby body. Living in the city of pregnant women, in general eat protein every day, so there is no need in particular to add. 

Suggestions: milk, egg protein is entirely protein, the most easily absorbed into the body. In addition, poultry meat, such as fish and shrimp of protein are high-quality protein, legumes and soy products in the plant sources of protein are also high-quality protein. 

6, water 

Water is the essential elements of human life. Pregnancy, pregnant women has doubled body, required substantial water intake. Therefore, pregnant women need to drink enough water. 

Recommendations: 1000 milliliters per day ~ 1500 milliliters appropriate. 

7, cellulose 

Constipation are common symptoms of pregnancy, while the cellulose to help prevent the symptoms from occurring. 

Recommendations: fruits and vegetables are an important source of cellulose, pregnant women every day you eat. Attention is required, do not over-rely on carbohydrate foods go bran intake of cellulose, as it will impede the absorption of other nutrients.

Longevity has ten-loving elderly diet

Longevity has ten-loving elderly diet 

Health care for the elderly health and longevity 

First, like
From the eating habits of the elderly live longer all look like. Well-known economist and his wife Ma Yinchu, husband and wife both are centenarians, especially liked the two. Every morning, 50 grams to 250 grams oatmeal add water, brew 2 minutes porridge accompli. Every day, so, onward. Centenarians in Shanghai, Mr. Su Juxian, three meals a day drink a watery gruel in the morning and evening drink, slightly thick porridge to drink at noon, for one quantitative shallow bowl, and has formed the habit. They said: "all comfortable, healthy." 
Second, millet elderly are the best tonic 
The elderly are most like millet, the millet as the best tonic Jiapin. Are peeled millet after millet granular food, has always been there, "Cereal grains, millet, led by" name. Frail elderly and sick often millet nourishing the body. Traditional Chinese Medicine believe that the benefits of millet five internal organs, thick stomach, filling body fluid, strong bones, long muscles. Qing Dynasty, a famous doctor said: "millet most dependent. Endure rice gruel when oil is better than Ginseng Decoction." Visible, like the elderly live longer, "m" is well founded. 
Three, pearl corn when the staple 
Corn, corn alias, pearl jade and so on, with rice, wheat and known as the world's three major crops, are recognized worldwide as the "golden crop", is also the longevity of the elderly can not be separated from the staple food. 
Fourth, every pound of milk 
Long life milk is the universal habit of the elderly, especially those living in cities Shouxing more so. 
Nutrient-rich milk it more comprehensive. Milk with higher levels of lysine, low cholesterol, carbohydrates all lactose in the intestinal tract can be transformed into lactic acid, has inhibited the growth of spoilage organisms. Calcium of milk is very rich, absorption rate is also high, but also contains more vitamin A, D, riboflavin, which for the elderly is necessary and useful.
After the fermented milk made from cheese, eating cheese can prevent dental caries. can lower cholesterol, so often do not cardiovascular disease risk, but also Mingmu, Gu Chi, to prevent cell aging. 
Five a day, eat an egg 
Eating an egg a day has become a universal habit of the elderly live longer. 
Shouxing hundred well-known economist Dr. Chen Hansheng arrangements in accordance with nutrition, a daily dietary adherence to the "Three Ones": "the morning to eat an egg, evening drink milk, eat between a large apple." Him more than three meals a day vegetarian, less meat, scientific organization of catering, health. 
VI, preference for sweet potato 
Eat sweet potato longevity of elderly people are a major preference. 
Said the old man: one "sweet potato is a treasure away from them." Scientists study the efficacy of sweet potato has the top five: 1. And blood supplement, nutrient-rich; 2. Wide intestinal ventilation and promote defecation; 3. Qi Sheng Jin, and enhance immunization; 4. Containing anti-cancer substances, anti-cancer to cancer; 5. Resistance to aging, the prevention of atherosclerosis. Medical scientist said that sweet potato contains a lot of sticky protein, it can prevent the liver and kidney tissue shrinks as a result of the human body to enhance immunity. Also has to eliminate the role of reactive oxygen species, to avoid the reactive oxygen species-induced cancer. Sweet potato because of calcium and magnesium more, they are able to prevent osteoporosis. This shows that the sweet potato is worthy of a long life of elderly people eating a treasure. 
Seven, tofu dishes are like old people 
Old people in general love to eat tofu. They said: "The fire fish, meat, Chinese cabbage tofu Ping'an security." "With the income spectrum Habitat diet" that: "everything can be made, rich or poor You-Yi, leader of the vast number of consultation vegetarian also. Also into the meat dishes. Winter freeze on those who taste particularly through the United States. " 
Major components of tofu are protein and isoflavones. The effectiveness of tofu with Yiqi,  reducing blood lead levels, protect the liver, to promote the effectiveness of metabolism, eat tofu is conducive to health and mental retardation. Elderly people eat tofu for the hardening of the arteries, osteoporosis have good therapeutic effect. 
8, Tsung love cabbage 
Chinese cabbage and common vegetables, the elderly, the most popular. Taste delicious, Safe, yes season, traditional Chinese painting master Qi President, have a map specifically of Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage for the independence of "the king of food" and praise "hundred dishes as cabbage." 
The old saying: "Chinese cabbage to eat half a year, to enjoy leisure doctor." Can be seen that eat cabbage has beneficial Yannian prevent a disease. Cabbage contains minerals, vitamins, protein, crude fiber, carotene, also contain a carcinogen nitrosamine decomposition sugar enzyme. From the medicinal effects that have Yangwei cabbage, Lee intestines, Jiejiu to facilitate, Jiangzhi, heat, etc., anti-cancer efficacy. 
9, winter radish chain 
The elderly live longer winter radish chain restaurants. They said: "Dong-eat radish, summer eating ginger, all year round security and Culture." one of Zheng Banqiao wrote a couplet: "vegetables and brown rice carrot, Tianshui watt pot chrysanthemum tea." "Radish on tea" Mr. Zheng Lao are in good health. 
Radishes are out-and-out old health food products. Chinese medicine believes that it can of , Xiaoshi plot, treatment and sputum cough aphonia, governance hematemesis, Xiaoke,  Qu headache, Lee urine, etc.; can be eaten raw thirst, heat-ching, Huatan Zhichuan and aid digestion; steamed Xiaoshi Jianpi can eat and have beneficial effects. 
Ten, carrots are elderly loved objects 
Carrots are also elderly people are beloved favorite objects. 
Carrots contain a high vitamin A, has extremely rich carotene. Studies have shown that carrot can provide resistance to heart disease, stroke, hypertension and arteriosclerosis required nutrients.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fourth, the taboo of male health care

Fourth, the taboo of male health care 

Men's Health taboo 

Middle age, the physiological functions gradually decline, the inevitable phenomenon of aging. Yesterday, Dongzhimen Hospital, director of Dr. Li Haisong man warned them the pillars of family and society, in everyday life, when the body guard against abnormal situation Endure hard to avoid committing the taboo health. 

Fatigue timely rest 

Fatigue is a physical need to restore physical strength and energy of a normal reaction, but also people with an automatic control signal and a warning. 

If you do not take immediate measures in accordance with a warning, then the body will be broken down from constant overwork, riddled with illness. At the same time, some signals that the symptoms of menopause, which is to remind people should maintain their body has. "The car to a certain mileage to be overhauled, people should not wait until then the treatment got sick." Li Haisong that in disease-free health care can take the initiative at the time of anti-aging process, and sometimes even a reversal of one aspect of aging. 

When middle-aged man has deep feeling of malaise, myalgia, dizziness, slow thinking, palpitations, heart rate, respiratory symptoms such as when to speed up, do not go hard Endure. Should pay attention to not do any work, not stay up all night, overtime; mood to relax, to maintain ease of mind, do not worry about some trivial, should take measures to eliminate physical and mental fatigue. 

Physical illness as soon as possible for medical treatment 

Middle-aged brain, heart, liver and other vital organs and physiological functions are unknowingly recession, cell immunity, regeneration capacity and the endocrine function of the body also on the decline. Even if there is no serious body from top to bottom, in the event of minor defects, such as, but also with twenty or thirty years old is quite different, if not to take medicines and not treatment, drink plenty of water and sleep alone has been difficult to carry over the past sweating. 

Therefore, middle-aged men face a headache fever, cough, weakness, lumbar acid, leg pain, hematochezia and other symptoms can not be left unchecked, will eventually drag the time led to severe delays in treatment. Li Haisong think, middle-stage disease are often from quantitative change to qualitative change in the conversion of a crucial phase. He reminded the body of middle-aged men does not apply to hospital treatment as soon as possible to avoid minor illnesses dead body led to serious pollution. 

Irreversible personal laws of nature 

Some people put too much work, not is the sleepless nights. Li Haisong remind middle-aged friends, easily lead to prostatitis, hard stool can cause choke habitual constipation, thereby causing hemorrhoids, anal fissure, Rectocele and other anorectal diseases. "Water does not rot, a door hinge is never worm-eaten", the human body is the same, thus enabling us to develop a regular bowel habit, with the intention of urine would be an immediate urine. 

 sunset and the interest rate" is the life of the ancients summed up the law, although modern people do not have to on sleep, but not for work or night-time entertainment and Stay up, if the evening was not to relinquish its hard-bound sleepiness dizziness not use coffee, strong tea to stimulate the nerves, so as to avoid neurasthenia, hypertension, coronary heart disease and so on. Li Haisong that also has its own physical-conditioning systems, and reverse the laws of nature and animals and the last injury or their own. 

Diet have uneven degrees Mo hunger satiety 

Human diet is to provide the necessary nutrition and energy channels, pay attention to healthy eating has section has degrees, should not have the hunger satiety uneven. If you feel hungry or thirsty, that is, the human body environment in alarm to their knock. Water is the body most in need of material, thirst is a signal of water shortage in the human body, people should drink water before thirst. Middle-aged wish to drinking 6-8 cups a day, this can boost the body metabolism, to a certain extent to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease attack or heavier. 

Hungry to be eating immediately, it should not postpone the time to eat, otherwise likely to cause gastrointestinal disorders, suffer from abdominal pain, severe low blood sugar, weakness in arms and legs shake, dizziness and even coma, shock and so on. Often do not hunger to eat and easy to cause ulcers, gastritis, dyspepsia.

Attention to these things, the prevention of male infertility

Attention to these things, the prevention of male infertility 

  Male infertility 

Although the reasons for the complexity of male infertility, a wide range, but there are some male infertility can be prevented and avoided. In the traditional Chinese concept which should not fertility is a very sorry thing ancestors, although this concept has been a change, but for male infertility is still a heavy ideological burden. If you insist on a healthy lifestyle, there are some male infertility is entirely preventable and avoidable. 
First, it is necessary to schedule vaccination, good personal hygiene habits in order to prevent the hazards of male fertility, infectious diseases, such as mumps, sexually transmitted diseases. 
Second, from adolescence began to make sex education and hygiene education, acquire a certain amount of sexual knowledge, understanding male physical characteristics and health knowledge, if we find that is different from the normal testis has changed such as: swollen, hardened, rugged, pain and so on, must be timely diagnosis and treatment. 
Third, to enhance awareness of self-protection, in particular, should do a good job in vocational. If you come into regular contact protection of radioactive materials, heat and poison, we must have to operate strictly in accordance with the provisions and protection charter operation, do not negligent, if you want a child recently, it is best to leave this kind of work six months after the birth. 
Fourth, we must pay attention to the protection of the testis, such as genital mutilation. Testis is a very delicate organ, it's the best working temperature lower than the person's body temperature about one degree, if the temperatures are high, then it will affect the sperm production, so any can make testicular temperature factors are required to avoid such as: by bike a long, hot bubble bath, wearing jeans and so on. 
Fifth, change bad habits, elimination of tobacco and alcohol; not eaten in the greasy stuff, otherwise they will affect your sex drive; In addition we must pay attention to daily life to avoid contact with the toxic substances, such as: back from the dry cleaners, clothes to put a few days to wear, because PCE affect male sexual function. 
Sixth, pre-marital checks should be prepared to work through the physical examination, early detection of abnormalities, to avoid the pain of marriage. After marriage to keep and your wife communicate sexual life problems faced by co-ordination, mutual understanding, so a lot of mental impotence or premature ejaculation can be avoided. 
Seventh, in the married life should be co-ordination, mutual understanding, otherwise prone to impotence, premature ejaculation or ejaculatory abnormalities, such as sexual dysfunction.

"Man food" will you find a Man of dignity

"Man food" will you find a Man of dignity 

Man Food 

  My grandfather was a Chinese medicine practitioner, not, but also a small well-known from an early age with him digging up the mountain herbs, and uncles and a number of therapeutic methods, where only some of the male sexual function in favor of food, I hope a bit of male friends help! (I sometimes try) 
1, Chinese chives, cut off again with a vegetable, also known as Yang from grass, think about it look really dish it as the name suggests, on the yang-deficiency has an excellent effect! 
2, medlar, into the marrow into the kidney, liver Mingmu awake and strengthen the muscles of the excellent food, which contains the nutritional content is very comprehensive, is to supplement the one night you 5 times the best choice, you can direct human consumption, or bubble water to drink. I take more than half a year, the effect is very obvious! 
3, Sparrows, impotence St. birds, you might have imagined, like Sparrows tireless, then eat it now! 
4, loach, loach should not think that eating, you will be as small DD Paramisgurnus small, huh, huh, you are wrong, the nutritional content of loach unusual, which contains sperm components with special needs! 
The above summary of food without any side effects, do you every day when they eat rice as it does not matter! 
    Hush! ! Most people I do not tell him!