Friday, February 13, 2009

Health and nutrition security in seven of your healthy baby

Health and nutrition security in seven of your healthy baby 

Healthy baby 

1, trace elements 

Fetal brain cells need to supply a variety of nutrients, some of which are trace elements in fetal brain cells during development are necessary. 

Recommendations: to eat red meat such as cattle, pigs, rabbit, etc., animal blood, which are rich in iron hemoglobin and myoglobin in the iron, the body is easy to attract and use. Should also be many milk. 

2, fat 

Fatty acids are formed in the fetal brain cells, myelin, an important element, so the proper consumption of food containing fat is also very necessary. 

Recommendation: Do not worry about eating lean meat is not, or eat eggs, milk, not Meat. 

3, carbohydrate 

Carbohydrate is the staple food to eat every day, fetal metabolism are essential nutrients for fetal breathing. Therefore, pregnant women need to maintain normal blood sugar levels, so as not to affect fetal metabolism precious impede normal growth. 

Recommendations: cereals, tubers and fruits and vegetables contain carbohydrate category. Such as rice, millet, corn, etc. There are potato. 

4, vitamin 

Vitamins are divided into water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins, vitamins for different fetal development plays a different role. For example, vitamin A on fetal growth and both the normal development of olfactory function; vitamin C, while on the fetal bone and teeth formation, hematopoietic system, such as sound and the body are to promote the role of resistance. 

Suggestions: vitamin found in vegetables and fruits substantial, the substantial consumption of fruits and vegetables are the most practical approach. 

5, protein 

Protein is an important component of baby body. Living in the city of pregnant women, in general eat protein every day, so there is no need in particular to add. 

Suggestions: milk, egg protein is entirely protein, the most easily absorbed into the body. In addition, poultry meat, such as fish and shrimp of protein are high-quality protein, legumes and soy products in the plant sources of protein are also high-quality protein. 

6, water 

Water is the essential elements of human life. Pregnancy, pregnant women has doubled body, required substantial water intake. Therefore, pregnant women need to drink enough water. 

Recommendations: 1000 milliliters per day ~ 1500 milliliters appropriate. 

7, cellulose 

Constipation are common symptoms of pregnancy, while the cellulose to help prevent the symptoms from occurring. 

Recommendations: fruits and vegetables are an important source of cellulose, pregnant women every day you eat. Attention is required, do not over-rely on carbohydrate foods go bran intake of cellulose, as it will impede the absorption of other nutrients.

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