Sunday, February 8, 2009

Attention to these things, the prevention of male infertility

Attention to these things, the prevention of male infertility 

  Male infertility 

Although the reasons for the complexity of male infertility, a wide range, but there are some male infertility can be prevented and avoided. In the traditional Chinese concept which should not fertility is a very sorry thing ancestors, although this concept has been a change, but for male infertility is still a heavy ideological burden. If you insist on a healthy lifestyle, there are some male infertility is entirely preventable and avoidable. 
First, it is necessary to schedule vaccination, good personal hygiene habits in order to prevent the hazards of male fertility, infectious diseases, such as mumps, sexually transmitted diseases. 
Second, from adolescence began to make sex education and hygiene education, acquire a certain amount of sexual knowledge, understanding male physical characteristics and health knowledge, if we find that is different from the normal testis has changed such as: swollen, hardened, rugged, pain and so on, must be timely diagnosis and treatment. 
Third, to enhance awareness of self-protection, in particular, should do a good job in vocational. If you come into regular contact protection of radioactive materials, heat and poison, we must have to operate strictly in accordance with the provisions and protection charter operation, do not negligent, if you want a child recently, it is best to leave this kind of work six months after the birth. 
Fourth, we must pay attention to the protection of the testis, such as genital mutilation. Testis is a very delicate organ, it's the best working temperature lower than the person's body temperature about one degree, if the temperatures are high, then it will affect the sperm production, so any can make testicular temperature factors are required to avoid such as: by bike a long, hot bubble bath, wearing jeans and so on. 
Fifth, change bad habits, elimination of tobacco and alcohol; not eaten in the greasy stuff, otherwise they will affect your sex drive; In addition we must pay attention to daily life to avoid contact with the toxic substances, such as: back from the dry cleaners, clothes to put a few days to wear, because PCE affect male sexual function. 
Sixth, pre-marital checks should be prepared to work through the physical examination, early detection of abnormalities, to avoid the pain of marriage. After marriage to keep and your wife communicate sexual life problems faced by co-ordination, mutual understanding, so a lot of mental impotence or premature ejaculation can be avoided. 
Seventh, in the married life should be co-ordination, mutual understanding, otherwise prone to impotence, premature ejaculation or ejaculatory abnormalities, such as sexual dysfunction.

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