Saturday, February 21, 2009

Trading Plan for PVH

Trading Plan for PVH

Stock trading at $41.65 and when stock price is below $40.50, buy Jun
08 $40 Put.

In the Asia Pacific region, the non daylight saving time difference here
is 13 hrs, which mean the market starts at 10.30 pm local time and I
have a Chinese New Year dinner with some of my business associates.
I know that I can’t possible be back to execute the trades and it won’t
be polite to bring my lap top along to work.

The only way possible to enjoy my dinner without any interruptions
and not worrying that I’ll miss the opportunity of a possible bearish
reversal trade, I set all the three orders to “conditional order” that
is to be triggered if only the stock price drop below the entry signals.

Here are the following orders I have set up on my Interactive Brokers
trading platform.

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