Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Forward your calls to a virtual assistant and get more work done with fewer interruption

Forward your calls to a virtual assistant and get more work done with fewer interruptions.

But when the bankruptcy law was changed on October 17, 2005 — the attorneys were forced to prepare well-detailed bankruptcy petitions. In fact, the new law even allows the court to impose a fine on the attorney for not using due diligence in verification of the information within the petition. This helped to create a panic with some attorneys while others simply did not want to invest the time it would take to prepare well-detailed bankruptcy petitions.
But Victoria Ring points out in one of her many published articles:
"I was personally trained by two attorneys who specialized in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. From the beginning I was taught to draft well-detailed bankruptcy petitions. Because the petitions were so well-detailed the attorneys had fewer catastrophes occur and their cases went through the court system more efficiently. Therefore, when the new bankruptcy law went into effect, as a virtual bankruptcy assistant,

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

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